A simulation suite at East Kent Hospitals
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Simulation services

East Kent Simulation provides high-fidelity, immersive simulation training for staff, ranging from undergraduate medical students to nurses, allied health professionals and Consultants. We provide training on a range of topics including trauma, ITU, anaesthetics, physiotherapy, medicine, surgery, and paediatric care.

What is simulation in healthcare?

Simulation-based education (SBE) is a ‘technique’ now commonly integrated into both undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare curriculums.

As a teaching strategy, simulation attempts to contextualise learning by recreating situations that learners would recognise as familiar in their clinical practice.

Why does simulation benefit clinical practice?

Simulation is an educational tool which allows people to learn in a safe and supportive environment where it is okay to get something wrong. It is an experiential learning technique that takes place in a safe and positive environment.

It has been described as an essential methodology in which to facilitate ‘mastery’ through deliberate practice, whilst providing guaranteed exposure to new or rare clinical events within a risk-free learning environment

Simulation facilities

We have one simulation area at William Harvey Hospital.

The facilities at this suite include a scenario room, control room and 2 debrief rooms that allow the participants to observe the ongoing simulation.

In order to capture the best possible video images, the suite is equipped with SMOTS cameras which allow the trained faculty to observe the simulation and aid with comprehensive debriefing.

We have equipment available to simulate many clinical environments such as operating theatres, A&E resuscitation bays and clinical wards.

What is a Manikin?

A Manikin is a patient simulator, which replicates a real human body for the purpose of clinical simulation training. There are a variety of different types of manikins that may be used.

Depending on the scenario and course structure, the manikin may be a high-fidelity anaesthetic, obstetric, adult or paediatric manikin. In some cases, a live actor or low fidelity manikin may be used.

Training courses

We offer a number of training courses to staff at EKHUFT, and other health professionals via Health Education England.

Contact us

If you need to speak to the team you can contact us on ekh-tr.simulation@nhs.net.