
Inpatient services

When you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient please bring all the medicines you are taking with you. You may have been given a green bag for this, if so please bring your medicines in this. 

Remember to bring eye drops, inhalers, patches, creams and a record of any medicines you may buy including herbal and alternative remedies. A member of the pharmacy team will review the medicines and your medication history as well as any allergies you may have.

Pharmacy teams visit the wards each day. Your prescribed drug treatment will be checked to ensure that the choice of drug is appropriate, doses are correct for you, that one drug does not interfere with another, that the medicine is in a form that you can take and to ensure that supplies of the drug are readily available.  

The pharmacy team can also answer any questions you may have about your medication. 

When you are discharged, your existing and new medication will be reviewed and you will be given an adequate supply of all medication to take home.  

Your GP will usually manage further medication supplies but, on rare occasions, supplies may need to be maintained from the hospital and this will be explained to you.