
Neurology Resources

This is our resources page for Neurology. You'll find links to journals, ebooks, evidence databases, organisations, and more. 

We've tailored this page as an information hub to help signpost the resources you need, all in one place. It's also intended to be very much a working resource, so anything that you would like adding or think would be beneficial to your department, just let us know. 

Email the library at KCH for more information

Access our Neurology resources with an OpenAthens account

Access to most of these resources is via the OpenAthens single-sign-on service.

If you've got an account already, you're all set. If not, register for an OpenAthens account - it's all free and quick to complete.

Clinical Knowledge Summaries

Clinical knowledge summaries provide an overview of the current evidence base, along with practical guidance, which our resources cover with comprehensive common primary care presentations.

  • UpToDate - a list of all neurology and neurology-associated clinical overviews on UpToDate. 
  • ClinicalKey - all neurology clinical overviews on ClinicalKey
  • DynaMed - a list of all neurology and neurology-associated clinical overviews on DynaMed.

Get email alerts with KnowledgeShare

Receive highly targeted updates based on your professional interests, providing you with the latest articles, research, and news.

You will also be able to set up journal table of content updates (TOC alerts), request evidence searches, access training, and network with colleagues who share your interests. 


You can access Neurology journals from a variety of sources. You will need an OpenAthens account to gain access to the majority of our content (please see info panel to the right).

  • ClinicalKey - shows a list of all Neurology journals currently available on ClinicalKey.
  • Library catalogue - you can search for a journal on our regional catalogue too, and results will show whether we have access to a title or not. 
  • NICE Journals A-Z - shows neurology keyword-related journals available at our regional level, as well as national and open-access content.


Currently, all of our Neurology ebooks are available on ClinicalKey from Elsevier. 

Request an Evidence Search

If you need to access information and research around a specific clinical question or topic to see what published literature and research there is, you can request an Evidence Search via KnowledgeShare. 

  • Log into KnowledgeShare with your OpenAthens account, and from your dashboard select Evidence > Request an Evidence Search

Your request will be sent to our Clinical Librarians who will conduct the search and be in touch with you.