
Acute, Nuclear and Pallative Medicine consultants

NameJob titleSpecialty
Jovanovic, Dr Sergije ConsultantAnaesthetics
Joseph, Dr Stonny E Consultant in Diabetes and EndocrinologyGeneral Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology
Joni, Dr Rajkumar  Anaesthetics
Jones, Dr MattConsultant AnaesthetistAnaesthetics
John, Dr Ian (Robert) Renal ConsultantRenal
Jenkinson, Dr MichaelConsultant PhysicianMovement Disorders, Syncope, Geriatric Medicine
James, Mr ChristopherConsultant Orthopaedic and Trauma SurgeonHand and Wrist Surgery
Jain, Mr SharatTrauma & Orthopaedic ConsultantTrauma & Orthopedics