
Performance in Initiating and Delivering Clinical Research

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) collects data on initiating and delivering research from providers of NHS services in England that undertake clinical research, including trusts that undertake NIHR-funded research and those that deliver studies on the NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) Portfolio.

This is known as the Performance in Initiating and Delivering Clinical Research (PID) exercise. Providers of NHS services are required to submit PID data to the NIHR every quarter.

The main purpose of PID is to ensure that more patients are given the opportunity to participate in research and to make research more attractive within the UK.

The NIHR outcome measures include:

  • The time an NHS organisation receives a valid research application to the time when the provider recruits (or consents) the first eligible patient for that study (performance in initiating clinical research)
  • Performance in recruiting time and target for commercial clinical trials (performance in delivery of clinical research)


Click here to view the data submitted for East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust