
Contact Us

If you want to work with us or have any questions about our CTU services, please get in touch.

Email: ekhuft.clinicaltrialsunit@nhs.net
Call: 01227 206791

Twitter: @CTU_EK

Collaboration requests

We recommend that you contact us as early as possible. Ideally requests for collaboration should be made at least 3 months in advance of the funder’s submission deadline. This allows us to work with you in developing the funding application, thereby ensuring all requirements of the trial have been considered.

Requests for collaboration post-funding award will be considered, but may not be successful if key aspects have not been considered and appropriately budgeted.

To request CTU support for your trial, please contact us and we will send you an Application for CTU Collaboration form.

The Assessment Process

All Applications for Support will be assessed before submission to the Project Review Panel. If successful at the Project Review Panel, the application will then be submitted to the CTU Executive Board for final approval.

The CTU Facilitator will keep the investigator informed at all stages of the assessment process and coordinate next steps.