
Contacting a ward or department

Please use the A-Z links or search box in the directory below to find a ward or department. 

Click on the ward or department name for further information.

If you need to contact a Consultant or can't find what you are looking for - please call the Hospital Switchboard:

Important information about visiting hours

Please check the latest visiting guidance

Ward / DepartmentTelephone number
Singleton Midwifery-Led Unit (MLU)01233 651868
Sea Bathing Ward01843 234575
Scarburgh Ward01233 651805
Sandwich Bay Ward01843 234204
Rotary Suite 01233 616261
Richborough Ward01843 235001
Richard Stevens Ward01233 616242
Respiratory (lung) Services 
Relative's Support01227 864006
Reculver Ward01843 234580