
Contacting a ward or department

Please use the A-Z links or search box in the directory below to find a ward or department. 

Click on the ward or department name for further information.

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Important information about visiting hours

Please check the latest visiting guidance

Canterbury Children's Assessment Centre

Ward / Department
Canterbury Children's Assessment Centre

At Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury, there is a unique Children's Assessment Centre, where children have outpatient appointments or day surgery. Unwell children can be referred by a doctor to the centre for observation and assessment. The centre also houses the Mary Sheridan Centre for children with special educational needs, physical disabilities and a range of neuro-developmental conditions including Epilepsy and Autism.

The Children’s Therapies Service also provides support for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech & language therapy and care coordination.

Telephone number
01227 866482, Children’s Therapies only – 0300 123 8112
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