
Frequently asked travel questions

What if I am late due to traffic problems?

Most departments will try to accommodate you in the event of you missing an appointment due to traffic problems, even if you are using healthcare transport this can still be a problem.

What if the bus arrives late?

Most departments will try to accommodate you in the event of you missing an appointment due to your bus/train arriving late.

How do I get home if my appointment time is late?

If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our NHS Transport webpage for details.

How do I get to the hospital for urgent out of hours care?

If your need is an emergency then you should dial 999.

How do I get to my appointment if I don't have a car?

If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our NHS Transport webpage for details.

Can I get help to visit a patient who is a relative?

No you must have a medical need to be eligible for healthcare transport.

How do I get to the hospital if my appointment is too early for public transport?

Please contact the patient centre and inform them that you require transport and you need to rearrange your appointment time. If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our  NHS Transport webpage for details.

How do I get home after out of hours post treatment if I can't drive?

If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our NHS Transport webpage for details.

What happens to my car if I have to leave it?

If you are likely not to be able to drive after treatment then you should make alternate arrangements to get to your appointment. If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our  NHS Transport webpage for details.

I am disabled and live in a village that has no public transport. How do I get to my early appointment?

If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our NHS Transport webpage for details.

I have a disabled scooter and can’t do the roundabout at William Harvey Hospital. How do I get there?

If you have a medical need then you may be eligible for healthcare transport. Please take a look at our NHS Transport webpage for details.