
Frequently Asked Questions

What next once you’ve banked your voice?  

Answers to some Frequently asked Questions:

Q:        What happens to my banked voice while I’m not using it?

A:         It’s stored safely by the voice banking company until you want/need to download it.


Q:        How do I use my banked voice?

A:         You will need a speech generating device, also known as a communication aid, so you can use it for          face- to-face communication.


Q:        How can I find out more about the sort of communication aids that are available?

A:         Start by clicking on this link ‘What is AAC’.This contains examples of some communication aid options and gives links to other websites where you can get more detailed information. 


Q:        How do I know what communication aid to get?

A:         Your Speech and Language Therapist will support you with this. When it’s time for you to use a speech      generating device you will be assessed and given a communication aid to trial. This is to make sure that                what you get is what you need.

What you might need depends on many things, including your vision, head and hand movement and where you will be using your device. (Click here for an overview of some device options.) 


Q:        Can I use a speech generating device if my hands and arms get weaker?

A:         Yes, there are alternatives for people who are unable to use their hands/arms. If using a keyboard or touch screen becomes difficult, your speech and language therapist will refer you to your nearest AAC Service, where you may be eligible for specialist assessment.  In Kent this the KM CAT Service. Following assessment you will be provided with equipment that best meets your needs for face-to-face communication on a long-term loan basis.  


Q:        Will I have to pay for my communication aid?

A:         Please be reassured that there are various sources for funding communication aids, these include charitable funding (e.g. the MNDA) or NHS funding for long term loans and some other equipment in certain circumstances.   


Q:        What happens if my needs change over time?

A:         Your speech and language therapist and local AAC Service will support you to ensure you receive the best options so you can continue to communicate.


Q:        I’m a long term AAC user with a loaned device from KM CAT and I’m currently using an off-the-shelf voice. I’m keen to have a banked voice so I sound more like my family and friends. I’m not sure what I need to do next?

A:         As a starting point, please contact the KM CAT service before committing to pay for voice banking, as not all communication aids are compatible. We will double check with your chosen voice banking company whether your new bespoke voice can be downloaded onto our communication aid.