
Become a member

Membership is free and open to everyone who lives in the area served by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, or in the rest of England and Wales. Members have to be aged 16 or over. There is no upper age limit.

Become a member and have a say in the future of your NHS

To register your interest in becoming a Foundation Trust member please complete our online form

If you have any problems, please contact the Membership Office:

Find out details of our privacy policy here.

  • Members are able to elect representatives onto the Council of Governors which holds the Trust's Board of Directors to account.

  • Members can stand for election as a member of the Council of Governors.

  • The Council of Governors allows members to give their views on the Trust's activities and influence the development of the Trust's services.

  • Members can help the Trust develop their services to make sure they meet the needs of the local communities.

  • Members who provide an email address will receive an electronic copy of the Trust newsletter 'Your hospital'. This will keep them up to date with all the latest news, events and developments that is going on throughout all the East Kent Hospitals.  

Do you have a question about becoming a member? e-mail the Membership Office at foundationtrust@nhs.net

What is an NHS Foundation Trust?

NHS Foundation Trusts have been created to devolve decision-making from central Government to local organisations and communities so they are more responsive to the needs of local people. 

Local people, patients and staff can have a real say in the Trust’s decisions by becoming and acting as members of the Foundation Trust. A Council of Governors, which is representative of the local population and elected by the members, holds the Trust Board to account. 

Although run locally, NHS Foundations Trusts remain fully part of the NHS. They have been set up in law as legally independent organisations called Public Benefit Corporations, with a primary purpose to provide NHS services to NHS patients and users according to NHS principles and standards. The public still receive free healthcare based on need.  

NHS Trusts have more financial freedom and can raise funds from both the public and private sectors to invest in services. 

An independent organisation called Monitor, which is directly accountable to Parliament, assesses a Trust’s ability to run as a Foundation Trust, and, once NHS Foundation Trust status is granted, oversees the Trust to ensure it is acting properly as an NHS Foundation Trust. 

Find out more about Monitor and the role of Foundation Trusts by visiting the Monitor website.