Volunteering at our hospitals

Adult volunteering roles

Can you spare some time to help your local hospital?

We value the involvement of local people as volunteers in activities that enhance the quality of life for our patients, visitors, carers, and also support the staff in delivering high-quality health care. 

Our typical adult volunteering roles are as follows, these can be subject to change, so please get in touch if you have any queries:

  • Ward helpers

  • Mealtime helpers

  • Emergency department helpers

  • Gardeners

  • Meet and Greet at the main entrances

  • Kindness companions

  • Volunteer drivers.

If you are over 18 years of age and have a little time to spare in your local area we would love to hear from you.

Find out more about our adult volunteering opportunities

To apply for an adult (18+) volunteering role, please complete our adult volunteer application form. The volunteer team will be in contact with you to discuss a telephone interview, DBS check and induction.

Please ensure that you complete every section of the application form before you press SUBMIT. If you experience any problems with the application, please contact ekh-tr.volunteers@nhs.net.

If you have any questions relating the volunteer service, please email ekh-tr.volunteers@nhs.net

You can also read our volunteer charter.

Youth volunteer programme (volunteer to career pathway)

In collaboration with local schools and colleges and our own staff, East Kent Hospitals have developed a programme for young people, aged 16-18 years old.

To apply for a youth (16-18) volunteering role, please complete our Youth volunteer application form

The contribution of volunteers within the NHS has always been enormously valued by our patients and staff, and also has many benefits for those who take part. For young people it is often the first step towards an exciting and varied career in healthcare. The importance and impact of our volunteers is recognised in the NHS Long Term Plan.

In the NHS, we know that young people help to drive positive change in health services in many ways, for example by bringing new ideas and insight through our youth forum.

We are committed to supporting more young volunteers into healthcare settings as we know that these opportunities will benefit their future careers, our staff, patients and their families.

During the programme the volunteer will be invited to meet the Apprenticeship & Learner Support Team and the Resourcing Team with help and guidance to write a CV and apply for jobs.

A National Volunteer Certificate will be presented at the end of the programme.

Find out more about our youth volunteer programme