Staying in hospital

What to expect when you're coming in for an operation

If you develop a cough, cold, sore throat, other illness or become pregnant please contact the planned place of admission or the pre-op team on 01233 616602.

Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay

You may be feeling anxious about being in hospital but keeping you safe and well is a priority for the staff looking after you. There are also some simple things you can do to help keep yourself safe during your hospital stay, such as asking for help when needed, protecting yourself from slips and falls and helping to prevent blood clots.

The following resources from NHS England provide tips on things you can do to look after your safety during your stay:

Coming to the hospital for tests before your surgery

We will invite you to an appointment at the hospital to check your health and prepare you for your surgery. This is called a pre-assessment.  

Before the date of your operation you will be sent a pre-assessment appointment, this maybe in the hospital or over the phone. It is important that you attend/answer the call, as failure to do so may result in your operation being cancelled. The nurse will need to know:

  • Any serious illness or major operations you have had

  • Any allergies you have to medicines/metals, tablets or plaster

  • Any medicines/tablets you are taking; please bring them with you or bring a list of them

  • You may receive a follow up call after your pre-assessment approximately a week before your planned surgery date to check for any changes.

When you arrive at the hospital

We will ask you to clean your hands at the entrance to the hospital. We will provide hand sanitising facilities so you can do this.

Visiting while you are in hospital

Most patients will be able to have two visitors at the same time. You can also bring your tablet, iPad or phone to stay in touch with friends and relatives via video and phone calls.

Learn more about our visiting arrangements

Access free Wi-Fi

  • Connect to 'EK-Hospital-Free-Internet' in the Wi-Fi settings on your smartphone or tablet

  • Ask a member of staff for the password

  • When you access a website you'll see our terms of use page - read through and follow the instructions

  • That's it, all done! Enjoy free internet use.