K&C theatre teams achieve a Kent first
The theatre team at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital have received external recognition that they are providing the highest quality care for patients.
The team are the first NHS site in Kent to receive accreditation by the Association for Perioperative Practice (AFPP), after visiting inspectors praised the safety culture and teamwork.
Their certificate was formally presented to the team on Wednesday by chief executive Tracey Fletcher, who said achieving accreditation was a fantastic achievement.
She said: “We are the first NHS Trust in Kent to achieve this which is amazing, and that doesn’t happen without really good team work and doing the best we can do for each other and our patients.
“The teamwork within theatres is palpable. You are a real credit to each other and the hospital.”
Gemma Oliver, director of nursing, AHPs and quality, critical care, anaesthetics and specialist surgery, echoed her praise, adding: “This is not something that is routinely awarded to NHS hospitals, and this has been a real mission in team work.
“This award is a credit to everyone’s hard work.”
Theatre matron Ed Curtin said he had no doubt that the team would achieve the accreditation.
He said: “The work put in by everyone here is phenomenal.
“All we did when the inspectors were here is what we do every single day – we didn’t have to put on a show.”
The feedback from the accreditation visit praised the team for their ‘obvious dedication and passion towards achieving high quality, safe patient care’, and highlighted Ed’s leadership and the support he receives from the senior team.
They also praised the way the team used feedback from the Friends and Family Test to make improvements and to recognise individual colleagues who go above and beyond.