Hospital accessibility

Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

Help for our patients with communication needs

You may want to tell us about your communication needs on our Patient Portal. To do this, see our how to access our Patient Portal.

We provide interpreters and clinical patient information in different languages and formats. Please speak to a member of staff if you need this information in a printed form, large print or Braille.

About the Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is a legal requirement that supports NHS organisations to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. It helps us meet your communication needs. 

The standard applies to all health and social care organisations. It ensures we meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

The standard tells us we must identify, record and meet the needs of people who need communication support, or information in a different format that they can understand. We must do this for patients, carers and parents.

For example, you might need more help because you are deaf, blind, have memory problems, a learning disability or speech impediment.

There are five things we must do for you:  

  1. Ask you if you have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet them

  2. Record those needs in your care plan or patient record

  3. Highlight your communication needs on your file, so it is clear that you need support

  4. Share information about your needs with other NHS and adult social care providers

  5. Act to ensure you get your information in an accessible way and communication support if you need it. 

Further information

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