Clinical Service


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What we do

Our haematology team care for patients with blood, bone marrow and spleen conditions.

Some of the conditions we treat include:

Your appointment

You will be seen by either a Consultant Haematologist, a Registrar or Clinical Nurse Specialist.

The doctor will tell you if you need to have a medical examination during your appointment and you will be offered a chaperone to be present during the examination. 

Often additional investigations are required to help make a diagnosis or to simply monitor your health/progress. These may include blood tests, x-rays, scans, a bone marrow test and measurements of your height and weight.

Where to find us

Most of our haematology clinics are held in the Clinical Haematology department at Kent and Canterbury Hospital.

We also have some clinics at the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital in Margate (Viking day Unit) and William Harvey Hospital, Ashford (Celia Blakey Centre).

How to use this service

Your GP can refer you to this service.